Pornography Awareness Week!
So I was invited to celebrate Pornography Awareness week on Facebook. I was disappointed to learn that it is "be aware of pornography because its bad" instead of a "be aware of all the different varieties of porn you can download off the internt" kind of thing: ( So I'm all for keeping pornography away from kids, but who ever planned this did such a detestable job that it will probably make kids want to go out and look at pornography more. Check out some of the awesome activites for schools:
How can I (or my school) celebrate Pornography Awareness Week?
Here are some suggestions:
Elementary Schools:
* Magician show: Brad Barton, 801-791-9017,,; Brad's research-based programs equip youth to make positive choices. Brad will use his magic tricks to demonstrate how pornography is not "the real thing" -- you have to be in charge of what you allow in your head.
* Brite Music has a tape and music, "Protect Their Minds." The Sing-Along Activity Book has pictures that, with permission, could be duplicated and colored. Call 1-800-458-2748
* Assembly: Utilize the object lesson ideas found in "Guarding What Goes Into Our Children's Minds"
* Distribute the "Crash and Tell" Sheet
* Have a coloring contest. Download our White Ribbon Week coloring page.
* Take Safety information to parents i.e. "Don't talk to strangers" - tie into Internet safety
* Borrow grocery shopping bags. Guide children to decorate them or label them "PORN NO", "KEEP MINDS CLEAN" or appropriate pictures. Return the bags to the grocery store to use as they bag groceries.
* Send "Prevention Plan: A Parent's Guide" home.
* Send "20 Internet Safety Tips" home.
* Display posters in classrooms, or send copies home to parents.
Junior High and High Schools:
* Have something the students can do each day of the week, i.e.
o Have a headband day (white head bands) "Band against Pornography"
o Tie day (everyone wears weird ties) - Don't let bad pictures tie you up.
o Sock porn - (Students wear mismatched socks) - "Sock" (hit) pornography.
o Sneakers day - Don't let porn sneak up on you.
o Bandaids - Cover those things that will hurt you.
o Caution Headbands - wear headbands with yellow caution signs on them
o Airhead Candy - "Don't be an airhead - Stay away from porn"
o On Garbage cans put signs: "We CAN keep our minds clean" or the "Garbage In-Garbage Out" sign.
o Yell competition at lunchtime!
* Magician show: Brad Barton, 801-791-9017,,; Brad's research-based programs equip youth to make positive choices. Brad will use his magic tricks to demonstrate how pornography is not "the real thing" -- you have to be in charge of what you allow in your head.
* Paper Bag decoration - Return the paper bags to the store. Theme: "Keeping our community clean."
* Create a puzzle out of poster board: "We each need to do our part in keeping our Community clean."
* Have a "White Ribbon School of the Year"
* "Crash & Tell" - Tailgate party - crash the car White Ribbon Run for Fun.
* Have a White Ribbon Run for Fun
* "Slam Dunk - Don't look at that junk." Basketball contest at a game.
* Work with businesses - give customers wearing white ribbons a soda or discount.
* Poster contest: "Take flight - Remember white"
* Utilize health classes to get out information from the book To Strengthen the Family by JoAnn Hamilton
* Take the "Did You Know" sheet to every student in every homeroom class. At lunch sign a poster as a pledge to stay away from pornography.
* Have a question and answer session about pornography at the cafeteria during lunch.
How can I (or my school) celebrate Pornography Awareness Week?
Here are some suggestions:
Elementary Schools:
* Magician show: Brad Barton, 801-791-9017,,; Brad's research-based programs equip youth to make positive choices. Brad will use his magic tricks to demonstrate how pornography is not "the real thing" -- you have to be in charge of what you allow in your head.
* Brite Music has a tape and music, "Protect Their Minds." The Sing-Along Activity Book has pictures that, with permission, could be duplicated and colored. Call 1-800-458-2748
* Assembly: Utilize the object lesson ideas found in "Guarding What Goes Into Our Children's Minds"
* Distribute the "Crash and Tell" Sheet
* Have a coloring contest. Download our White Ribbon Week coloring page.
* Take Safety information to parents i.e. "Don't talk to strangers" - tie into Internet safety
* Borrow grocery shopping bags. Guide children to decorate them or label them "PORN NO", "KEEP MINDS CLEAN" or appropriate pictures. Return the bags to the grocery store to use as they bag groceries.
* Send "Prevention Plan: A Parent's Guide" home.
* Send "20 Internet Safety Tips" home.
* Display posters in classrooms, or send copies home to parents.
Junior High and High Schools:
* Have something the students can do each day of the week, i.e.
o Have a headband day (white head bands) "Band against Pornography"
o Tie day (everyone wears weird ties) - Don't let bad pictures tie you up.
o Sock porn - (Students wear mismatched socks) - "Sock" (hit) pornography.
o Sneakers day - Don't let porn sneak up on you.
o Bandaids - Cover those things that will hurt you.
o Caution Headbands - wear headbands with yellow caution signs on them
o Airhead Candy - "Don't be an airhead - Stay away from porn"
o On Garbage cans put signs: "We CAN keep our minds clean" or the "Garbage In-Garbage Out" sign.
o Yell competition at lunchtime!
* Magician show: Brad Barton, 801-791-9017,,; Brad's research-based programs equip youth to make positive choices. Brad will use his magic tricks to demonstrate how pornography is not "the real thing" -- you have to be in charge of what you allow in your head.
* Paper Bag decoration - Return the paper bags to the store. Theme: "Keeping our community clean."
* Create a puzzle out of poster board: "We each need to do our part in keeping our Community clean."
* Have a "White Ribbon School of the Year"
* "Crash & Tell" - Tailgate party - crash the car White Ribbon Run for Fun.
* Have a White Ribbon Run for Fun
* "Slam Dunk - Don't look at that junk." Basketball contest at a game.
* Work with businesses - give customers wearing white ribbons a soda or discount.
* Poster contest: "Take flight - Remember white"
* Utilize health classes to get out information from the book To Strengthen the Family by JoAnn Hamilton
* Take the "Did You Know" sheet to every student in every homeroom class. At lunch sign a poster as a pledge to stay away from pornography.
* Have a question and answer session about pornography at the cafeteria during lunch.