Monday, May 21, 2007

Youtube video's worth watching

I'm kind of worried that this blog might be turning into a blog about youtube videos that I really get a kick out of but nobody else does. But anyways, here are my current favorites:

First of all, a Flash Mob is an event where a group of people gather together and perform some kind of random act in front of other people who have no idea what is going on. The first flash mobs started up in New York in the 90's and gained international status in the early 00's. Everybody seems to be doing a flash mob these days, and they are starting to loose credibility (BYU had two incredibly lame ones this past year). The following Japanese flash mob is different though:

Now I've always been a big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus, but the following video has taken on a new meaning since taking Philosophy 150 last semester:

Lawrence Welk was a polka/jazz/lounge band leader who had a popular TV show in the 60's and 70's. It's absoultly unbearable to watch for anyone from "generation x" or "generation y" because it's obviously phony. Everybody on the show is too happy, the music all sounds the same, and its just plain boring. The following clip is a cultural gem from the late 60's that shows the struggle between the conservative older generation and the younger rebelious generation in the 60's. It's funny because Lawrence Welk thinks he's being funny.

A couple years after Lawrence Welk, the "Schmenge Brothers" made the following spin-off that captures the essence of Lawrence Welk with a "new wave" influence.

I though I was going to pass out from laughter from this:

Clown's in church?


Blogger Unknown said...

I don't know if your heading means "youtube video is worth watching," or "youtube videos worth watching."

regardless, i like the lawrence welk video because i hate the lawrence welk show.

6:43 AM  

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